Frequently Asked Questions
I am immigrating to Australia as an Occupational Therapist - what do I need to do to practice there?
If you are immigrating to Australia as an OT your skills and qualifications will be assessed by the Occupational Therapy Council (Australia & New Zealand) Ltd (OTC) which has been designated by the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia (OTBA) as the independent organisation responsible for assessing the qualifications and skills of internationally qualified occupational therapists who wish to practice in Australia. The assessment process consists of two stages: Stage 1: Desktop Audit Stage 2: Supervised Practice Audit If an applicant successfully completes Stage 1 but has not yet completed Stage 2, they may still be interviewed and, if suitable, can initiate the employment process. However, before they can begin working as an occupational therapist in Australia, Stage 2 must be completed and conditional registration obtained. During Stage 2, the applicant undergoes supervised practice to demonstrate their knowledge of occupational therapy practice within the Australian context. Only after successful completion of Stage 2 can full registration be granted. Stage 2 cannot commence until the applicant has a planned role and supervision plan in place. Detailed information and application forms can be found on the OTC website https://www.otcouncil.com.au/ Togetherup provides supervision that fulfills these registration requirements. This includes support with the applicant's supervision plan as well as regular supervision.

What supervision do I need to undertake to gain full Occupational Therapy registration in Australia?
Once you have secured employment; the following supervision requirements apply:
Weeks 1-6: Weekly supervision (4 direct practice observations)
Weeks 6-12: Fortnightly supervision (2 direct practice observations)
The primary purpose of the supervision sessions is to facilitate the implementation of the supervised practice plan and to assess the practitioner's competence After the first six weeks, the frequency of supervision may be reduced to fortnightly meetings. Between the six-week milestone and the submission of the midway progress report, the supervisor should conduct two additional direct observation sessions during the assessment and clinical interventions stages. To ensure proper documentation, all supervision sessions must be recorded on the supervision log, including information about the type and duration of each supervision meeting. It is highly recommended that the supervision log be completed promptly after each supervision session has taken place. This record will serve as an essential reference for tracking progress and maintaining a comprehensive overview of the supervised practice journey.
What are the requirements for working in Australia an Occupational Therapist?
In order to practice as an occupational therapist in Australia, you need to obtain registration with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia. Additionally, depending on your citizenship and residency status, you may need to apply for an appropriate visa issued by the Australian Department of Home Affairs (formerly known as the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection) to work legally in the country.

I am still confused about the OT registration requirements in Australia. Where can I get more help?
Find out more on these useful websites:
1. Occupational Therapy Board AHPRA
2. Occupational Therapy Council Australia
3. Book a discovery call with us and we can guide you through the process